Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Explore the achievements of visual aids in teaching.

Visual aids in teaching plays an important role in creating an effective learning environment. Teachers can annotate on the images shown on the screen or the board, zoom in and out, get different views and angles and capture still shots with the help of the visual aids in teaching.
Nowadays, Classrooms are installed with visual aids such as Interactive Whiteboards, Visualiser, response system, projectors and educational software etc. Schooling the students with visual aids is essential in the technological age. Many difficult subject topics can be taught easily and in more depth with the help of visual aids in teaching. Teachers must use various types of visual aids to interact with students.
Visual aids in teaching integrate with audio-visual techniques that influence the curiosity and recollection of information by students. Utilizing Visual aids in teaching effectively will make the best stage for learning and teaching. Teachers are using multimedia teaching resources with audio and video into their lessons. The teacher has to identify the key points of the contents so that student can retain the information easily without any confusion. Teacher may bring a chart or draw a neat diagram on the board, but effective learning still misses out. Multimedia teaching contents give the student a better learning experience as they can view the real phenomena and processes in an animated format. Teachers can annotate using interactive whiteboards on their content and save it in computer that can’t be done through traditional boards. Time has come to incorporate visual aids in teaching into the classroom for efficient learning and teaching.Thus, visual aids in teaching boost school, colleges and universities to enhance teaching methodology.

1 comment:

  1. Visual aids can be very useful in supporting a topic, and the combination of both audio and visual stimuli is particularly effective since the two most important senses are involved.
